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Replaces OEM P/N
Bedford P/N
[{"brand": "Bedford","category": "Shop By Category/Valve,Shop By OEM,Shop By Category,Shop By OEM/Graco,Shop By OEM/Graco/10:1 President,Shop By OEM/Graco/GH 433,Shop By OEM/Graco/Bulldog 30:1,Shop By OEM/Graco/President 10:1,Shop By OEM/Graco/GM 1230,Shop By OEM/Graco/President 30:1,Shop By OEM/Graco/333 EH,Shop By OEM/Graco/30:1 Bulldog,Shop By OEM/Graco/EH 433,Shop By OEM/Graco/GM 1030,Shop By OEM/Graco/433 EH GT,Shop By OEM/Graco/5:1 Monark,Shop By OEM/Graco/Monark 5:1,Shop By OEM/Graco/23:1 Monark,Shop By OEM/Graco/Monark 23:1,Shop By OEM/Graco/1230 GM,Shop By OEM/Graco/1030 GM,Shop By OEM/Graco/EH 433 GT,Shop By OEM/Graco/EH 333,Shop By OEM/Graco/433 GH,Shop By OEM/Graco/30:1 President,Shop By OEM/Graco/Monark 15:1,Shop By OEM/Graco/15:1 Monark,Shop By OEM/Graco/433 EH,Shop By OEM/Graco/10:1 President/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/15:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/23:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/5:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Fluid Section Repair Parts,Shop By OEM/Graco/EH 333/Dump Valves Prime Spray Valves Pressure Release Va,Shop By OEM/Graco/EH 433/Dump Valves Prime Spray Valves Pressure Release Va,Shop By OEM/Graco/EH 433 GT/Dump Valves Prime Spray Valves Pressure Release Va,Shop By OEM/Graco/GH 433/Dump Valves Prime Spray Valves Pressure Release Va,Shop By OEM/Graco/GM 1030/Dump Valves Prime Spray Valves Pressure Release Va,Shop By OEM/Graco/GM 1230/Dump Valves Prime Spray Valves Pressure Release Va","id": "29-1442","name": "3/8\" NPT x 1/4\" NPT 5000 PSI Ball Valve [29-1442]","price": 114.66,"variant": "","list": "Category: Miscellaneous Parts Accessories","position": 1 },{"brand": "Bedford","category": "Shop By OEM,Shop By Category,Shop By OEM/All,Shop By OEM/Graco,Shop By OEM/ASM,Shop By OEM/ASM/1900 Zip-Spray Plus,Shop By OEM/ASM/Zip-Spray 1900 Plus,Shop By OEM/ASM/1900,Shop By OEM/All/Inlet Filters / Strainers,Shop By OEM/Graco/10:1 President,Shop By OEM/Graco/295 st,Shop By OEM/Graco/Fuller OBrien Fultronic 1000,Shop By OEM/Graco/5000 GM,Shop By OEM/Graco/Ultimate 500,Shop By OEM/Graco/Super Nova 700,Shop By OEM/Graco/SPX,Shop By OEM/Graco/500 Ultra,Shop By OEM/Graco/Super Nova Pro,Shop By OEM/Graco/GM 5000,Shop By OEM/Graco/President 10:1,Shop By OEM/Graco/750 Ultra,Shop By OEM/Graco/15:1 President,Shop By OEM/Graco/President 15:1,Shop By OEM/Graco/Nova SP,Shop By OEM/Graco/SP Nova,Shop By OEM/Graco/President 30:1,Shop By OEM/Graco/Fuller OBrien Pro 701,Shop By OEM/Graco/LineLazer 3000,Shop By OEM/Graco/GM 3500,Shop By OEM/Graco/Fultronic 1000 (Fuller OBrien),Shop By OEM/Graco/SP Super Nova,Shop By OEM/Graco/10:1 Monark,Shop By OEM/Graco/Ultra 500,Shop By OEM/Graco/Super Nova SPx,Shop By OEM/Graco/Nova 700,Shop By OEM/Graco/SPx Super Nova,Shop By OEM/Graco/490 st,Shop By OEM/Graco/Nova Pro,Shop By OEM/Graco/380 EM,Shop By OEM/Graco/495 Performance (Duron),Shop By OEM/Graco/495 st,Shop By OEM/Graco/st Pro 495,Shop By OEM/Graco/st 295,Shop By 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(Ultra-style),Shop By OEM/Graco/380 EM,Shop By OEM/Graco/400 EM,Shop By OEM/Graco/Super Nova,Shop By OEM/Graco/LoPro 500,Shop By OEM/Graco/23:1 Monark,Shop By OEM/Graco/EM 350,Shop By OEM/Graco/350 EM,Shop By OEM/Graco/Monark 23:1,Shop By OEM/Graco/EM 490,Shop By OEM/Graco/EM 390,Shop By OEM/Graco/EM 380,Shop By OEM/Graco/EM 400,Shop By OEM/Graco/500 Ultimate,Shop By OEM/Graco/Monark 10:1,Shop By OEM/Graco/Fuller OBrien Pro 501,Shop By OEM/Graco/501 Pro (Fuller OBrien),Shop By OEM/Graco/30:1 President,Shop By OEM/Graco/Nova Super,Shop By OEM/Graco/Pro 501 ( Fuller OBrien ),Shop By OEM/Graco/390 EM,Shop By OEM/Graco/Monark 15:1,Shop By OEM/Graco/15:1 Monark,Shop By OEM/Graco/490 EM,Shop By Category/Filters / Strainers,Shop By OEM/Sherwin-Williams/Nova (Ultra-style)/Inlet Filters Suction Hoses Tubes Drain Hoses and ,Shop By OEM/Sherwin-Williams/Super Nova/Inlet Filters Suction Hoses Tubes Drain Hoses and ,Shop By OEM/Sherwin-Williams/Ultimate 500/Inlet Filters Suction Hoses Tubes Drain Hoses and ,Shop By OEM/Graco/10:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/10:1 President/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/15:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories","id": "14-1224","name": "Inlet Strainer-1/2\" NPT Stainless Steel [14-1224]","price": 11.98,"variant": "","list": "Category: Miscellaneous Parts Accessories","position": 3 },{"brand": "Bedford","category": "Shop By OEM,Shop By Category,Shop By OEM/Graco,Shop By OEM/Graco/10:1 President,Shop By OEM/Graco/17:1 Senator, Dura-Flo 900,Shop By OEM/Graco/5000 EM,Shop By OEM/Graco/GH 433,Shop By OEM/Graco/Dura-Flo 750, 33:1 Bulldog,Shop By OEM/Graco/Senator 17:1 Dura-Flo 900,Shop By OEM/Graco/Bulldog 30:1,Shop By OEM/Graco/President 10:1,Shop By OEM/Graco/President 30:1,Shop By OEM/Graco/Ultra 1500,Shop By OEM/Graco/333 EH,Shop By OEM/Graco/30:1 Bulldog,Shop By OEM/Graco/400 Glutton,Shop By OEM/Graco/EH 433,Shop By OEM/Graco/Senator 35:1,Shop By OEM/Graco/750 Dura-Flo, 33:1 Bulldog,Shop By 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"13-492","name": "6' x 3/4\" Suction Hose Assembly [13-492]","price": 120.87,"variant": "","list": "Category: Miscellaneous Parts Accessories","position": 4 },{"brand": "Bedford","category": "Shop By OEM,Shop By Category,Shop By OEM/Graco,Shop By OEM/Graco/10:1 President,Shop By OEM/Graco/Bulldog 30:1,Shop By OEM/Graco/President 10:1,Shop By OEM/Graco/15:1 President,Shop By OEM/Graco/President 15:1,Shop By OEM/Graco/President 30:1,Shop By OEM/Graco/30:1 Bulldog,Shop By OEM/Graco/10:1 Monark,Shop By OEM/Graco/3000 Viscount I,Shop By OEM/Graco/Viscount I 3000,Shop By OEM/Graco/23:1 Monark,Shop By OEM/Graco/Monark 23:1,Shop By OEM/Graco/Monark 10:1,Shop By OEM/Graco/30:1 President,Shop By OEM/Graco/Monark 15:1,Shop By OEM/Graco/15:1 Monark,Shop By Category/Hose / Tubing,Shop By OEM/Graco/10:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/10:1 President/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/15:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/15:1 President/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/23:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/Viscount I 3000/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM,Shop By Category,Shop By Category/Hose / Tubing","id": "13-491","name": "3-1/2' x 3/4\" Suction Hose Assembly [13-491]","price": 106.95,"variant": "","list": "Category: Miscellaneous Parts Accessories","position": 5 },{"brand": "Bedford","category": "Shop By OEM/Graco/10:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/10:1 President/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/15:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/15:1 President/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/23:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories","id": "sku-10:1 Monark-112-191","name": "Graco-112-191","price": 0,"variant": "","list": "Category: Miscellaneous Parts Accessories","position": 6 },{"brand": "Bedford","category": "Shop By OEM/Graco/10:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop 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Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/LoPro 1000/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/Outlet Filter Assemblies/5000 PSI Long Filter Steel Bowl/Complete Assemblies","id": "sku-10:1 Monark-218-029","name": "Graco-218-029","price": 0,"variant": "","list": "Category: Miscellaneous Parts Accessories","position": 8 },{"brand": "Bedford","category": "Shop By OEM/Graco/10:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/10:1 President/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/15:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/15:1 President/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/23:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories","id": "sku-10:1 Monark-236-075","name": "Graco-236-075","price": 0,"variant": "","list": "Category: Miscellaneous Parts Accessories","position": 9 },{"brand": "Bedford","category": "Shop By OEM/Graco/10:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/10:1 President/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/15:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/15:1 President/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/23:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories","id": "sku-10:1 Monark-239-060","name": "Graco-239-060","price": 0,"variant": "","list": "Category: Miscellaneous Parts Accessories","position": 10 },{"brand": "Bedford","category": "Shop By OEM/Graco/10:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/10:1 President/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/15:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/15:1 President/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/23:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories","id": "sku-10:1 Monark-239-063","name": "Graco-239-063","price": 0,"variant": "","list": "Category: Miscellaneous Parts Accessories","position": 11 },{"brand": "Bedford","category": "Graco/10:1 President/Carbide Ball Seats Check Valves Check Balls/Upper Ball Seat Outlet Seat/For Pump Model 224 342 224 345,Shop By OEM/Graco/15:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories,Shop By OEM/Graco/5:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Fluid Section Repair Parts/For Pump Model 224 343 224 346 224 347","id": "sku-10:1 President-223-160","name": "Graco-223-160","price": 0,"variant": "","list": "Category: Miscellaneous Parts Accessories","position": 12 },{"brand": "Bedford","category": "Shop By OEM/Graco/15:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories","id": "sku-15:1 Monark-188-867","name": "Graco-188-867","price": 0,"variant": "","list": "Category: Miscellaneous Parts Accessories","position": 13 },{"brand": "Bedford","category": "Shop By OEM/Graco/15:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories","id": "sku-15:1 Monark-188-984","name": "Graco-188-984","price": 0,"variant": "","list": "Category: Miscellaneous Parts Accessories","position": 14 },{"brand": "Bedford","category": "Shop By OEM/Graco/15:1 Monark/Miscellaneous Parts Accessories","id": "sku-15:1 Monark-235-992","name": "Graco-235-992","price": 0,"variant": "","list": "Category: Miscellaneous Parts Accessories","position": 15 }]